Support the Foundation while shopping for holiday gifts!
From Thursday, November 30, through Saturday, December 2, 2023, luxury shopping center Americana Manhasset will hold its annual charity shopping event, Champions for Charity. Specify the Jeffrey Ahn, Jr. Foundation when you shop and Americana Manhasset will donate 25% of your purchase amount to the Foundation!
Champions for Charity is an incredible event benefiting many amazing charities, and the Foundation is proud to be one of them. Champions for Charity participants can get all their holiday shopping done while giving to great causes.
Register for your unique Champion Number starting October 15. Click here to register and receive your Champion Number to use when you shop at Americana Manhasset from Thursday, November 30, through Saturday, December 2, 2023!
**Your Champion Number will be required to allocate your donation and must be presented at the time of each purchase**