jajf 2014 project
Homage to Marcel Duchamp (2014)
Mixed media diorama

"...I'm going to build a diorama that... has an idea of balance in an imbalanced situation, or of a balance made out of imbalanced materials or sizes of components. In the diorama, I am going to make giant leaves, flowers, and/or bugs while there are some minimized things that are supposed to be originally bigger than the leaves or flowers. Also, I'm going to use human body parts that relate to the theme that I used for [a previous] finger caterpillar project...

"The diorama will be in table-top scale, but it will be viewable only through a small hole, in a way similar to Marcel Duchamp’s masterwork, Étant donnés (above), where viewers peek through a small crack in a wooden door to see the installation. This way, the viewers' sense of scale will be challenged, and they will have only a glimpse into a strange new world."
--Minyoung Jeong, JAJF '14
After her time as a Jeffrey Ahn, Jr. Fellow, Minyoung enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University, where she pursued a B.A. in Architecture.